Teaching and Research

Teaching, learning, and research dissemination through conferencing and publications are interconnected aspects of the propagation of knowledge. 

My most enjoyable time is spent in the classroom interacting with students. Experiential learning is a natural extension of classroom instruction and an integral part of the teaching-learning experience.

As such, you will see me with my students in museums, galleries, in heritage sites, and in a multitude of cultural spaces, debating and applying knowledge in a more practical and interactive setting.

My research publications span my monograph, academic articles, and creative critical writing. 

My monograph The Doppelgänger in Our Time: Visions of Alterity in Literature, Visual Culture, and New Media is forthcoming from Peter Lang, UK. 

The monograph is published within the Art et pensée: histoires des avant-gardes

Art and Thought : Histories of the Avant-Garde edited by Prof Timothy Mathews (University College London) and Prof. Dawn Ades (Essex University). 

Art and Thought: Histories of the Avant-Garde revisits and reconceptualises the

histories of modernism, avant-gardism and postmodernism. Volumes in the series will each offer a critical perspective developed in response to specific cultural artefacts and their qualities. They will engage with literary, artistic and theoretical works, from the past as well as the present, and explore the interactions between literature, visual art, film and music, including the livre d’artiste.

In my current role as lecturer of Cultural Studies, I teach comparative literature, the history of ideas, and visual literacy to undergraduate students. I also teach a module for graduate students.

I have designed and taught interdisciplinary courses relating to various modes of identity, through Western and Arab literature and culture. Through a structured approach and close investigations of visual artefacts, historical happenings, and literary trends, my students are exposed to a polyphony of voices as well as diverse narratives, both from the mainstream and the margin. Within the framework of identity and power, I teach several threads that relate to colonialism, such as orientalism, BLM and toppled statues, as well as other residues of colonialism in contemporary culture/history from the Caribbean to the Arab world.

Global Histories

This is a survey course that introduces students to the different, broad, and historical concepts of Identity across ages and cultures in Western and Arab thought.

Journeys and Emancipations

The course, best described as one on the intellectual history of Germany and Europe (1914-1990), delves into the complex and transformative intellectual landscape of Europe, with a particular focus on Germany, during a pivotal period in the 20th century.

Global Discoveries: From Athena to Athens, Myth – Past and Present

This is an interdisciplinary course that explores the enduring power of ancient myths and their profound influence on modern culture and society. This course transcends time and place to delve into the world of mythology, tracing the evolution of stories and symbols from their ancient origins to their contemporary relevance. Through museum visits, close-readings of texts, and storytelling through heritage sites, students uncover the connections between classical mythology and its manifestations in today’s world, from literature and art to film and popular culture.

Methods of the Written Voice: Research Methods and Writing Process

This is a skill-focused course designed to empower students with the tools and techniques needed to excel in research-based writing. 

Throughout the course, students will be guided through the multifaceted aspects of academic and professional writing. They will learn to harness the intricacies of research methodologies, information retrieval, and source evaluation.

Visual and Experiential Learning 

Visual literacy is a valuable skill that can benefit everyone. By developing your visual literacy skills, you can become a more informed and critical consumer of information, a more effective communicator, and a more creative individual.

Classroom learning is reinforced and expanded through applied learning trips through various national and international locations. For the course From Athena to Athens, learning is place-based and includes and revolves around experiential learning visits to various heritage sites such as the Acropolis Museum, the Temple of Poseidon, and the Ancient Agora.

Similarly, for the course Journeys and Emancipations, we designed a bespoke program that weaves historical and personal narratives, some of the memorable locales we visited included Berlin’s George Grosz Museum and the East Side Gallery, along many other sites of memory, history, and trauma. 

Head over to My Blog for some museum visit tips and a pedagogical worksheet. 

MA Module-On Literature and Other Arts

For two months, I was invited faculty at Universidaded Aberta in Lisbon. During this period I co-taught and contributed to an MA interdisciplinary module titled Literature and Other Arts where I lectured on gender dimensions drawn from my monograph The Doppelgänger in Our Time. I co-taught this course using the progressive mode of learning and teaching called Virtual Mobility. 

• “Abandoning Mothers in Contemporary Cinema: On the Complexities of Early Motherhood”. PechaKucha Presentation. On Motherhood and Its Shadows. NYUAD, May, 2023. 


• Invited Speaker, “Digital Innovation and Cultural Heritage in Emirati Culture”. UAEU Symposium Series on Arts, Culture, and Innovation. United Arab Emirates University, 15 February, 2023. 


• “Fetishisation and the Uncanny in Oskar Kokoshka’s Doll”. PechaKucha Presentation. Global New Voices Conference. UK Art History Association. 17 November, 2022. 


• “Memories of the Migrant: Visual Expressions of Nostalgia in Sadik al Alfraji’s Art”. 4th International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Human Mobility and Cultural Identities Conference, Italy, International Centre for Studies of Arts and Humanities (ICSAH), Luis University, Rome, Italy 19-20 May, 2022. 


• “The Pregnant Body in Louise Bourgeois’ Oeuvre.” Pockets, Pouches & Secret Drawers Conference. Institute of Modern Languages and Research. Virtual. December, 2021. 


• “Domestic Claustrophobia and Hidden Trauma in Louise Bourgeois’ Art”. Counter Narratives and Hidden Histories Conference. Irish Association of American Studies (IAAS). Virtual. April 2021. 


• “Conservation of Street Art: An Act of Cultural Heritage or Art Sabotage?”. 21st Modern and Contemporary Art Conservation Conference. Museum Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain, February 2020. 


• “On the Popularisation of the Doppelgänger Figure in Contemporary Visual Culture”. Wide Audiences and the Visual Arts from 1950 to the Present: Agencies, Politics, and Discourses. Museum Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain, November 2018. 


• Panel Chair: Simone de Beauvoir on Old Age. Simone de Beauvoir International Society Conference. Université Paris-Diderot, Paris, France, October 2018. 


• “Research Methods in Doctoral Dissertation in the Humanities”. The Americas Literary Society. UCL, London, UK, March 2018. 


• “The Doll as Alter in Cornelia Hediger’s Photographic Images”. Paper. Alterity and the Research Imagination Conference. The Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal, January, 2018. 


• “Phantasmagoria in Borges’ Short Stories”. Paper. Messengers from the Stars Conference. University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, November, 2016. 


• “Politics of the Body in Contemporary Photography”. Paper. Dialogues of Power Conference, St. Andrews University, St. Andrews, Scotland, October, 2016. 


• “Crime and the Quest for Singularity in Saramago’s The Double (2002)”. Paper. The Contemporary Bad Guy Conference. St. Andrews University, St. Andrews, Scotland, October 2015. 


• “On Seeking the Other: An Outlook on Digital Doppelgänger Trends”. Poster. Digital Humanities DHBenelux Conference, Antwerp, Belgium, June 2015. 


• Panel Chair: Digital Humanities, Outlook and Challenges in the East and West. Abu Dhabi International Book Fair, May 2015. 


• “Digital Doppelgänger: Between Self-Perception and Public Image”. Paper. The Fifth International Conference on the Image, Berlin, Germany, October 2014. 


• “The Evolution of the Self in Time in Latin American Literature of the Double”. Paper. Fragile Realities: Intersecting Interpretations of the Real Conference, London, UK, July 2012.