Arab Art Biennales and the Global Art World
Art biennales in the MENA reflect the region’s changing identity, art history as history. Art Biennales in the Arab world are perceived as gateways to explore the rich and varied cultural heritage and contemporary art scene of these countries, while also providing insights into the social and political changes and challenges facing this part of […]
Creative Critical Writing, What’s the Appeal?
Creative critical writing is fusion, very much like the above image. Academic writing can get tedious. While research can lead to exciting new horizons, the structure and conformity of academic writing can sometimes feel like the wrong pathway for an exploration of new knowledge strata. This becomes especially true when different disciplines are involved. In […]
The Ekphrasis of the Second Self
Brighton at sunset speaks of languid emotions. The fading hues and swirling seagulls evoke a nostalgia for something I never lived. I stroll the length of the embankment, savouring fresh seafood, watching strangers pass me by, contemplating the pebbly beach that I’ve seen numerous times on screen. It is a warm July day, pleasant enough […]
How to Find and Publish Open-Access Images
How to Find and Publish Open-Access Images Images are often an essential accompaniment to your research. They can support, deepen, and offer a visual anchor. Clearing copyright of images is crucial for the ethical and effective use of images in your publications. This is not just a moral consideration, your publisher is not going to publish […]
The Pedagogies of Visual Learning
What Is Visual Literacy and Why It Is Important? Visual literacy is a skill that we all need to learn, whatever our speciality may be. Luis Buñel spoke of the intextricability of words and images, a connection that I wholeheartedly believe in. Two years ago, I devised an extensive visual literacy program that enhances and […]
Museums and Experiential Learning: A Preliminary Guide and Worksheet
Museums and Experiential Learning: A Preliminary Guide and Worksheet I am very passionate about innovative pedagogies that go beyond the classroom. Experiential and interactive learning ensure that students’ learning is reinforced through fun and applied activities. Museums, once perceived as static repositories of cultural treasures, are evolving into vibrant hubs of experiential learning. Beyond passive […]
On Visual Storytelling: How to Construct a PechaKucha Presentation
Scholarship of teaching and learning. A guide to PechaKucha presentation.
Writing About Art For Absolute Beginners
This is a brief blog on simple writing assignments for freshmen students